Blue and green and brown. :)

12:47 PM

Merry Christmas!

12:59 PM

7:26 PM

Ameliorate: to improve or make something better

6:43 PM

25 days till Christmas!

11:09 AM

Engagment Photoshoot

8:39 PM

2nd Annual Sky Top Trip :)

11:26 AM

King Leonidas

9:41 AM

Finally a weekend to relax!

7:32 AM

Hate Map, United States

12:21 PM


4:38 PM

Future "Tate" family journal..

2:28 PM

The bike.

11:14 AM

The things you notice when studying with a Health Science major..

4:36 PM

This looks sweet.

4:33 PM


6:48 PM

Insider-Outsider Doctrine, R. Merton

1:13 PM

Venue, check. Honeymoon, check.

8:36 AM

A few of my favorites! Mark did such an amazing job capturing this night!!

12:32 PM

August 20, 2010-Engaged!!

4:04 PM


3:02 PM

You know you're a Clemson student when..

3:01 PM

It's a good life, a good good life.

12:32 PM

Separation Anxiety, Part II

6:05 PM

A couple things about this ridiculous Sock War picture..

7:35 AM

My co-oh-ten. Narnar and Jordo. Cher 24.

9:33 AM

Camp in very few minutes..

7:27 AM


6:34 PM


10:19 PM

My new job

10:10 PM

What world am I living for?

5:27 PM

Self Explanatory.

6:45 AM

This is a post about hand soap.

7:57 PM

I follow..

7:16 PM

Blue Like Jazz, Round 2

4:05 PM

Pray Like Jesus

11:52 AM


9:46 PM

Love this.

7:05 PM

Fun weekend :)

7:09 PM

Knowing today more than ever-that God is SOVEREIGN.

5:31 PM

5:11 AM

Until Illness do us Part............??

3:23 PM

1:36 PM

Mark 15:37-39

5:19 PM

Clemson, Fall 2010

4:48 PM

Get Excited

7:06 PM

Tim Burton

3:48 PM

Bridge Run 2010

2:34 PM

Gobbledigook, Sigur Ros

4:55 PM

"Yoga" and "Jordan," by Jake and Amir

3:07 PM

Guess who's exempt from Obamacare?

3:33 PM

Things i've been taking for granted lately (that i've noticed)

7:05 PM

Prayer Journal

7:59 PM


10:57 AM

5:39 PM

I love my little brother!

5:19 PM


2:55 PM

Everytime I'm upset, this video makes it better.

1:06 PM

You're the only one who'll understand......

10:00 PM

About thirty minutes ago...

9:43 PM

Where the Wild Things Are

6:31 PM


6:35 PM


12:46 PM

1:50 PM

Automatic Door

3:53 PM

The joys of public college education

3:34 PM

No wonder girls are so insecure.

4:00 PM

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas :)

8:57 AM


3:03 PM

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