Dania told me it was blog worthy.

9:16 PM

You guys know that show rescue me? With Denis Leary who plays the angry, mostly drunken, kinda scandulous firefighter? Well, i'm obsessed with it. Literally. It's pretty much trashy but I just like it haha. guilty pleasure. So apparently Denis Leary loves dogs..so him and his wife were featured in The American Dog Magazine. Well, low and behold, on page 48 (and 49), there is a full article about my aunt, Heather LaHaise, who is a pretty well known artist around Columbia (well, and now apparently everywhere.) So pretty much, that's exciting. Not only that my aunt is an amazing artist that I wish I will one day be remotely close to being able to paint like her....but that she was photographed for the magazine by the same people that photographed Denis Leary, who I just so happen to watch on hulu for hours on end fighting fires and hitting people.
Moral of this story? Aunt Heather, please use this connection to allow me to meet this wonderful man.

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