My dad

9:50 AM

is hilarious. I was at work, and needed a copy of my birth certificate. I called him and asked if he would go to the safe where my mom keeps all that good stuff, and he starts looking through it to find it. He then pauses and says.."Do you want the good news or the bad news..?" I said something along the lines of "Dad..what." and he says, "Well, I found your birth certificate.......but it says that the father is Juan Miguel Rodriquez the fourth. I just noticed it. I'm going to have to have a stern talking to your mother when she gets out of the shower." I cracked up..wondering how he comes up with these things right off the top of his head.

But wait..the story goes on...
He comes to work, document in hand..and tells me to take a look at it. He had scanned a copy (like I asked) but blocked out his name..and for real put "Juan Miguel Rodriquez el Quatro" in place of the fathers name space.......

Don't worry..he actually did give me a real copy as well. Oh goodness..what a crazy man he is.

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