Things I'm loving lately!

1:27 PM

Our fun anniversary picnic dinner. Complete with love notes and good beers. ;) Spreading out on the living room floor and eating together is one of our favorite things! (P.S. this is the card I wrote Chris, and when I went into the kitchen today he had already put it up on the fridge. Precious.)

I mentioned in an earlier post that I don't like flowers (which is why Chris got me some cool bamboo for Valentine's day.) But the REASON I don't like them is because they are too expensive for something that is just going to die soon. I love having a husband who is so intentional and remembers things like this. He surprised me with these tulips that KEEP GROWING and growing and growing! I can't wait to plant them somewhere!

I love this desk that Chris got me! I feel like I get more work done when I work at a desk..and the fact that the top is chalkboard makes me so happy. I'm obsessed. When I need a break, I just doodle. :)

I'm SUPER loving THIS bad boy that came in the mail today (since I didn't go to graduation.) Yay! And no, I didn't keep Calamas in my name, but I basically completed my whole education as a Calamas so it seems right to be on there. :) 

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